Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Cookbook Challenge!

Artwork by Marilyn Hafner

The COOKBOOK CHALLENGE is to choose at least ONE of the following activities:

Recipe reading is real reading!  With the help and permission of a grown-up for safety, make a recipe from a cookbook!  Send me a photo of your masterpiece and please let me know the recipe and cookbook you used.  Bonus points if you can tie it in to a children's book (honey cake for Winnie the Pooh?  Fruit salad for the Very Hungry Caterpillar?) 

If you had your own restaurant or bakery, what would you serve?  What would it cost? Does it have appetizers, soups, salads, sandwiches, main courses and desserts, or does it just serve a few specialities well? Would it feature food from a particular part of the world?  You can make it a real menu full of your favorite dishes, or you can make it a fantasy menu for a particular location or customer (Menu for a volcanic island?  Menu for an animal rescue shelter?  Menu for royalty?  Menu for a planetarium?). Design a menu for your own restaurant so that it looks like it is ready to hand to a hungry customer!  Pictures or page decorations always make things more appetizing.  Serve it up to me in a photo, scan or document.  

This is an extra challenging one!  It can be an imaginary cookbook (a cookbook for jungle animals, space aliens, ancient Egyptians, ghosts, baseball players, fairy tale characters, for example) or a real one (family recipes, favorite desserts, breakfasts, party planning, for example).  Decide on a theme and run with it!  It's not due until the 30th, so take your time and make it a good one!  Illustrations always make everything better. If you use real favorite recipes from other cookbooks, please use more than one book and give credit to the original books and authors. At least 6 pages, please.  You can send me photos, scans or documents.

Even though many restaurants are closed and certain foods may be harder to find during the pandemic, this is a great chance to use our imaginations and let books fill our minds like meals fill our bellies!  Next week, we are going to be exploring cookbooks, books that celebrate the history of food, books about famous chefs, books about food from many countries from around the world...a reading and eating culinary tour!  Save your appetite!  

 Artwork by Loré Pemberton


  1. I think this is very cool. It will help me out and im exited to see it. It is coming soon which brings suspense.

  2. I completely agree with Isaiah, ever since we were called for to qurantine, I have been baking nonstop. I have baked bannna bread, cupcakes, scones,etc. So, in other words, I am completely excited to see what challenges you have for us.

  3. My mom has been doing a lot of baking while trapped inside. I helped her make carrot cake muffins and Jell-o. Does Jell-o count as cooking?

  4. I think this challenge is cool because it brings your mind of the pandemic. I also think it will be fun because cooking is fun. I think this will also help students to take a break from school stuff and do something fun.

  5. One of my favorite books growing up was Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse Cookbook. I'm not sure I ever actually made a single thing from it, but dreams of culinary creativity were rampant!

    -Nancy Bieschke

    (Ms. Esme, I found the book in my collection and made a PDF of it. I'd love to share it with you since I'm guessing it's out of print.)

  6. This is super interesting! Tonight, I am going to help make my mom's won recipe.

