Thursday, April 2, 2020

Story Quilts with Faith Ringold!

Faith Ringold is a very special treasure of an author/illustrator who illustrates her books in a unique way by creating painted story quilts!  Listen to the wonderful story here and then see how she made the pictures here.

Isn't it wonderful to get to know the real people behind the books we love!

Stone Bookworms Challenge Question:
In library story times, we have looked at many different and surprising examples of book-making.  
Can you think of an unusual way to illustrate a book?

General Coronavirus info from your school library here!
Link to COVID-19 homeschool resources here!


  1. You can use geometry to make drawings

  2. You can use geometry to make drawings by putting shapes together and forming heads and other things to draw. It is a way of drawing because it is included in other books like "Carmela: Full of Wishes".You can use geometry by making shapes then putting them together and get an answer of multiple drawings.

  3. Lila H.- You can use ceramic tiles and other things to make a picture by gluing it together. I know b/c there is an author at my church who wrote a book like that. Her name is Ruth Goring.

  4. There are many ways of illustrating books .A way of making books would be to use paintings.
