Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I Can Haiku, Can You?

Remember how we learned how poetry can say a lot with just a few carefully chosen words? Many of you are learning about haiku, the poetic form from Asia that has 3 lines, with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 in the third.  
Here's a fun 5-minute video review about haiku!  

As the video suggests,  many haiku are written about nature.  Can you find a picture of nature on the internet, or take one when you go on a stroll, and use it to inspire your own haiku?  If you send me the photo and your haiku, it counts as a poetry challenge for your poetry party assignment!  
(Plus, it's fun and good writing and thinking practice!)

Visit the National Geographic Photo Contest Winners (or maybe some funny nature photography) to get your haiku juices flowing!  Here are some nature photos I took just walking around my neighborhood.  Look, look, look!  Inspiration for poetry is everywhere, in the seasons and in everything that grows!  


  1. I love the picture of the Magnolia tree. Ever since I saw a big lily Magnolia in my neighbor's backyard I became obsessed with them. I have been keeping track how many I've seen in Chicago, and the number is 18!
    Lucy H. #13
    Room 208

  2. I think the tree is very beautiful. I like it a lot. Do you have more tree pictures to show us.
    Ireena T
    Room 203
