Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Wow, Harry Potter Virtual Escape Room and Free Classes at Hogwarts!

The Peters Township Public Library in Pennsylvania has developed a Harry Potter-themed Virtual Escape Room you are going to LOVE!  Read about how it works here and then join the fun here!

And did you know you can take free wizarding classes at Hogwarts?  Yes, you can!  Click here and then choose "courses."  These involve downloads, so get your parent's permission.

You can virtually take the "Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey" ride at Universal Studios from your couch by clicking here!

You can read J.K. Rowling's e-books on line, some with no wait, here

You can also learn to speak like a wizard by visiting the Harry Potter glossary hereAccio books!

Image from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Warner Brothers, 2001, courtesy of giphy.

Stone Bookworms Challenge Questions:  What Harry Potter themed fun did you have today?  
Now that you've used your imagination to go to school in J.K. Rowling's universe, which is your favorite house at Hogwarts?  Which class would you be your favorite of you attended Hogwarts?  Who do you imagine would be your best friend there?  

General Coronavirus info from your school library here!
Link to COVID-19 homeschool resources here!


  1. Harry Potter is by fare some of the best books writen. It would be amazing to have a vurtual escape room that we can acsess so easily! I think that escape rooms can really help your brain grow and one with the theame Harry Potter would only make in more fun.

  2. Harry Potter is by fare some of the best books writen. It would be amazing to have a vurtual escape room that we can acsess so easily! I think that escape rooms can really help your brain grow and one with the theame Harry Potter would only make in more fun.

  3. Hi, it is Ireena T. I love the Virtual Escape Room. It was so fun!
