Monday, March 23, 2020

Grabby Bunny Check-In

Our library mascot Grabby Bunny misses you all.  Bunny School closed for a while so he is staying home with me.  I am trying to read stories to him, but as you know, sometimes he has trouble paying attention.  Ears that listen, Grabby!  His teacher assigned lots of hopping homework and it is driving the downstairs neighbors crazy.  Mostly we have been working on indoor gardening. We have been learning the names of the flowers by reading Butterflies in the Garden by Carol Lerner.  Well, I have been learning.  Grabby mostly just keeps picking the flowers.

Grabby wishes all the Stone Bookworms a happy-hoppy spring! 

Bloom where you're planted, Stone Families! xoxo Ms. Esme

Stone Bookworms Challenge Question: Will you say hello to Grabby in the comments section?  And if you have any suggestions what books I should try to read to him, maybe ones you have been reading, I would really appreciate it.  Children always know best.

General Coronavirus info from your school library here!
Link to COVID-19 homeschool resources here!

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