Monday, January 28, 2019

Children's Book Awards!

January is an exciting time for librarians and other lovers of children's books, because it is time for the announcements of the annual American Library Association (ALA) Youth Media Awards, including the Newbery for most distinguished writing and the Caldecott for illustration, as well as many other awards that celebrate books and artists from different races and backgrounds!  If you are looking for a great read, be sure to check out the winners here (thanks, Pragmatic Mom)!

Also, check out your very own librarian's favorite picture books of the year by clicking here!  

We are looking forward to seeing most of these fine titles on our school library shelves before long...more reason to celebrate!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Save the date! February 7, Family Reading Night!

We are planning a blizzard of book-loving for our Stone Family Reading Night on February 7th starting at 6 p.m.  This year's theme is "Snow Better Time To Read," featuring a reader's theater starring our own primary team teachers, shadow puppet shows, crafts and exciting cold-weather non-fiction demonstrations that would warm any snowperson's heart!  The event is geared toward K-3 but everybody is welcome. Can't wait to see you there! 

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Ms. Esme's Picks for Best Picture Books of 2018!

Take a peek at my personal favorite picture book picks from the past publishing year here!  These will be included in our circulating collection in the coming months.  Hooray!

Image courtesy of Malverne Public Library.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Puppet Festival!

How lucky are we to live in a city with such amazing cultural affairs?  This month, we can delight in the CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL PUPPET THEATER FESTIVAL!  This is especially exciting for our middle school Stone Bookworms, who besides being such good readers are such ambitious puppeteers! 

Puppetry is a form of storytelling that goes back to ancient times, and here we have so many beautiful and provocative performances from all around the globe!  Your eyes will pop at the line-up, it's hard to choose just one...but be mindful, some shows are family-friendly while others are more sophisticated.  Students, show Ms. Esme a ticket stub from a festival event and get 5 points extra credit in library!